Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 [2017, RDB16, Strong]
entS – Basal machinerykout: 0, kin: 2, Clustering: 1
Locus tagb0591
UniProt IDP24077
NCBI GeneID946268
SynonymsybdA, JW0583
Biological function
Product functionenterobactin efflux transporter EntS
GO terms
GO:0005886Plasma membrane
GO:0006974Cellular response to DNA damage stimulus
GO:0016021Integral component of membrane
GO:0042930Enterobactin transport
GO:0042931Enterobactin transporter activity
GO:0046677Response to antibiotic
COG0477Permeases of the major facilitator superfamily (EGPR)
entS – Neighborhood
    Global regulators  Intermodulars  Weak interactions  Disconnected nodes  Interaction tooltips  | Layout:  Animate | Flash:  Selection mode