Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. DH10B [2015, RTB13, Weak + Strong]
ECDH10B_1280 – Global regulatorkout: 23, kin: 1, Clustering: 0.0471
Locus tagECDH10B_1280
NCBI GeneID6058454
Biological function
Product functionDNA-binding response regulator in two-component regulatory system with NarX (or NarQ)
COG2197Response regulator containing a CheY-like receiver domain and an HTH DNA-binding domain (KT)
ECDH10B_1280 – Neighborhood
    Global regulators  Intermodulars  Weak interactions  Disconnected nodes  Interaction tooltips  | Layout:  Animate | Flash:  Selection mode