Programmatic access

Programmatic access to Abasy Atlas is provided by a RESTful API based on the following URI structure:{dataset}/{regnetid}?{query}

The possible datasets are regnets, genes, complexes, modules, and modules/annot.

Requests have a rate limit of 10 requests/second.

The syntax of the query

A query is a set of constrains separated by & symbols as follow:


Where each constraint comprises a parameter to which optionally can be assigned a single value or a set of values (separated by + symbols), according the following syntax:


Each parameter must appear only once in a query. The possible parameters and values are specific to each dataset as described below.

The format parameter

The format parameter can be used with all the datasets, and its possible values can be json (the default if format is omitted) or text for tab-separated values. The response representations for these formats are 'Content-Type: application/json' and 'Content-Type: text/plain', respectively. The text format provides by default a table header that can be suppressed by appending the no_header parameter.

The regnets dataset

The parameter field is required to query an assortment of different properties for a regulatory network. When only a regnetid with no field parameter is provided, the regulatory network annotated with the classes of the NDA encoded as JSON format is retrieved. The possible values for the field parameter are as follow:

Values for the field parameter
Network_nodesNumber of nodes
Num_nonleaf_nodesNumber of regulators
Num_leaf_nodesNumber of non-regulators
Num_EdgesNumber of undirected interactions
Num_ArcsNumber of directed interactions
Num_SelfloopsNumber of self-regulations
Max_KoutMaximum out-connectivity
Num_weak_compNumber of weak components
Network_densityFraction of directed interactions relative to all the possible interactions (n2)
Num_nodes_biggest_compNumber of nodes in the giant component
Regnet_nameName of the regulatory network
Regnet_idID of the regulatory network
Num_FFsNumber of feedforward motifs
Num_CFFsNumber of complex-feedforward motifs
Num_3FBLsNumber of 3-feedback circuits
Avg_short_path_lengthAverage shortest path length
Network_diameterDiameter of the network
Avg_clus_coeffAverage clustering coefficient
Pk_coeffCoefficient of the degree distribution
Pk_exponentExponent of the degree distribution
Pk_r_squareGoodness of fit for the degree distribution
Pkout_coeffCoefficient of the out-degree distribution
Pkout_exponentExponent of the out-degree distribution
Pkout_r_squareGoodness of fit for the out-degree distribution
Ck_coeffCoefficient of the clustering distribution
Ck_exponentExponent of the clustering distribution
Ck_r_squareGoodness of fit for the clustering distribution
Kappaκ-value | global regulators are those nodes having an out-degree (kout) > κ-value

The genes, complexes, modules, and modules/annot datasets

No additional parameters are available for these datasets.


Regulatory protein complexes of Escherichia coli version 2005 in JSON:

Regulatory protein complexes of Escherichia coli version 2005 in tab-separated values:

Regulatory protein complexes of Escherichia coli version 2005 in tab-separated values without header:

List of all the modules in Escherichia coli version 2005 in JSON by default (no format parameter):

Module annotations of Escherichia coli version 2005 in JSON:

Some structural properties of Escherichia coli version 2005 in JSON:

Regulatory network of Escherichia coli version 2005 encoded as JSON by default (no field nor format parameters):